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Facebook Helps Toddler Get New Kidney From Stranger

(socialON) The family of a 2-year-old little girl is amazed by the power of social media. Thanks to Facebook, the toddler, Arianna Moore is getting a new kidney. The family of a 2-year-old little girl is amazed by the power of social media. Thanks to Facebook, the toddler, Arianna Moore is getting a new kidney. Right after she was born, Arianna was diagnosed with Diffuse Mesangial Sclerosis, which results in the scarring of the kidneys. She was just under two months old when her kidneys failed according to her mother, 27-year-old Ashley Booth.

In order to keep her alive, Arianna was placed on dialysis 10 hours a day, everyday. No blood relatives were able to be donors, so Ashley decided to use Facebook to find help for her child. At first, she thought it was a long shot, but little did she know a hero 1,500 miles away from her home in Pine City, Minnesota was willing to help save her daughter’s life.

Christy Harding, from Jacksonville, Florida stumbled across the ALL4MOORE Facebook page and couldn’t stop thinking about the little girl. Once informed that she was the perfect donor for the toddler, Christy contacted Ashley to tell her she would give Arianna her kidney. Although they’ve never met, Christy and Arianna are both undergoing surgery on May 7th in Minneapolis. Christy has also set up a Go Fund Me page for Arianna’s family so they can all take a trip to Disney World after the procedure. As for Ashley, she cannot wait to meet the kind woman who has done so much for her family.


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